N.Y. Nursing Professor Uses Genderbread Person to Indoctrinate Students on Gender Identity


You can’t name them, but you can try. Many universities have used the “Genderbread Person”, or the more awake “Gender Unicorn”, to indoctrinate their students into “gender identity.” This includes Monmouth University, Pennsylvania State University, Monmouth University, and the University of Arkansas.

According to reports, a nursing professor at the State University of New York (SUNY), Brockport believes that a cute kindergarten diagram of unscientific nonsense for nursing students is necessary training.

Campus Reform claimed that it received a copy of the “Genderbread Person”, diagram because a student at SUNY Brockport was concerned that the nursing professor was teaching students science with woke ideology. According to reports, the “Genderbread Person”, was used in the NUR 342 Foundations of Professional Practice for Nursing.

SUNY Brockport describes this class:

“Presents the theoretical and practical basis for professional nursing practice with an emphasis on patient safety and systems approach.” “This course explains the elements and uses of the nursing process, basic nursing techniques, and national safety goals.” “It also discusses adults’ reactions to illness and hospitalization.”

None of these seem to be related to childish LGBTQ+ ideology diagrams.

The anonymous student source at Campus Reform said that the use of the “Genderbread Person by the nursing professor is “a little biased” and “ridiculous” because “nursing is an occupation based in science.” It’s an old-fashioned idea.

“It all seems contraindicated for being educating us about the gender-bread person [with the list] of ongoing terms that don’t have any science backing at all,” the student said to Campus Reform. It’s feeding into the notion that we can all make up these terms, and we are just supposed to follow them. After taking nursing classes and being accepted, I was excited to take courses on patient care. It just feels like my women’s studies gen ed all the way over again.

Although the student might not be able to care for patients well in nursing school, SUNY Brockport will ensure that the student has a solid foundation of woke propaganda. This would tell you a lot about America’s medical system today.