New Poll Hints Defending Abortion Is Not the Issue Democrats Thought Would Win Them Voters in November


Politico published in May a draft of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s decision in Dobbs. Whole Women’s health (Politico tries to pre-game SCOTUS in publishing a leaked draft opinion overturning the Roe). When it was published in June, the decision demolished any pseudo-legal foundation for abortion.

Pro-aborts from all walks of life, including the most normal, marched across the country to protest their inability to murder babies.

The purple-haired screamed out their inhuman rage while more adroit observers of American politics predicted that this was precisely what the Democrat Party needed for the correction of Joe Biden’s vicious mismanagement of America. Americans were agitated about “supply chains” problems, but there was no baby formula (Joe Biden invokes Defense Production Act to Fix the Baby Formula Shortage His Handymen Created), gas rising by $3/gallon over 18 months, and businesses being shut down by COVID lockdowns.

The Washington Post:

Proponents of abortion rights and their Democratic allies believed that Monday’s thunderclap with Politico publishing a draft opinion by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. would continue through the fall campaign, and possibly beyond.

They suggested that this could turn an election, which has so far largely seemed to be a referendum of President Biden and his party, into a choice between Democratic or Republican governance. This could reduce an enthusiasm gap that favors Republicans and eventually hold down expected GOP gains.

Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster, stated that “The right wants this to a point — and I think it will be a problem to the right — to very dark places that I don’t think Americans are ready for.” “Gender politics have been somewhat muted for a while. This brings it out of the shadows and will be radically different from what we have seen for a while.


A new poll has found that abortion-rights supporters are more motivated than their opponents by the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court. It also suggests how a draft opinion might shape the midterm elections.

USA Today:

Experts believe that the leak and eventually overturning of Roe v. Wade could energize Democratic voters at a time when President Joe Biden has had a low approval rating for months. This would give Democrats a better chance of retaining control of Congress. Interviews with anti-abortion activists indicate that their supporters would also be energized.

David Axelrod (a top Democratic consultant, former senior adviser, and chief strategist for President Barack Obama) stated that “I think the wholesale reverse of Roe is an untapped opportunity.” “Democrats face ferocious headwinds this fall. If the court does not follow through, however, the backlash could be a counterweight — especially if it brings in more pro-choice voters and younger voters.

We are now seeing the impact of the Dobbs decision on the 2022 election a month later. A Washington Post article titled Americans are less likely to vote after Roe’s repeal was published:

Nearly two-thirds (23%) of Americans believe Roe v. Wade’s repeal is a major loss of rights for women. However, those who support abortion access are less likely to vote this fall. This shows the difficulties facing Democrats, who hope that the issue will drive their base in the midterms.

Although a lot of the information in the poll isn’t clear, it’s worth reading because it appears to be designed to make a storyline about “Democratic voting intensity increases after Dobbs”.

The poll also shows that Democrats have an enthusiasm problem: Democrats who disagree with the court’s decision are 18 percentage points less likely to say they will vote in midterms. This is according to a Post-Schar School survey conducted July 22-24.

Women, particularly younger women, and Democrats are especially uncertain if they will vote. One in three women under 40 years old are certain they will vote, even though they have concerns about the rollbacks to abortion access.

Mark Rozell, dean of George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government, said that the poll was based on discontent with Democratic Party leadership and policies. “I find it difficult to understand this disconnect.”

Between now and November, many things could happen. The GOP is run by a group of cretins, grifters that could make a dream into a nightmare. It is clear that the pro-life message is not overdue. People who have opposed abortion for 50 years are still as motivated to end this horrible fake medical procedure now that we’re making real progress. Even more, telling is the fact that most people who claim they were injured by Dobbs don’t feel angry. They are demoralized and defeated. We cannot afford to fall into triumphalism. There is much work to be done to save this country from Biden’s cronies. But we don’t need to worry about losing votes, because the Supreme Court did what was right.