Pro-Israel Congressman Slams Ilhan Omar Over ‘Ceasefire’ Presser Reveal


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a member of the notorious House Hamas Caucus, had a meltdown Friday during a detached-from-reality “ceasefire” press conference she attended alongside fellow Squad members Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Summer Lee (D-Pa.).

Omar, who tried to retract a tweet on Thursday that blamed Israel for “bombing” a Gaza Hospital which was likely a misfired Hamas missile that exploded on a parking lot, went crazy when a journalist pressed them on why they did not support Israel’s rights to defend itself against Hamas terrorist attacks.

How many more murders do you want? How many more killings is enough for you? What number of Palestinians would you be happy to see die? You will be happy if the entire population of Gaza is gone. Would you be happy if all the people in Gaza were gone? Would you be proud of that? Ritchie, maybe you should ask yourself that question. Is he OK? How many Palestinians is he willing to sacrifice? “I am not comfortable with more.”

Omar stormed out of the room after her rant, despite having previously refused to answer the question in a congressional hallway.


The “Ritchie”, to whom she referred, is Ritchie Torres. He’s a Democrat from New York and a former Congressman who described himself once as “the embodiment” of a pro-Israel progressive. Torres has condemned the Squad for sugarcoating Hamas atrocities and blaming Israel for them.

Rep. Torres was interviewed on CNN on Monday about what Omar had said about him. Torres did not mince words, pointing out her horrendous voting record, including against funding for Israel’s Iron Dome which Torres said has saved many civilian lives due to Hamas attacks. (Starts around 2:29).

“I resent these comments. Every death is a tragedy. Every war is a human crisis. We must also remember the reasons for the war. Israel did not initiate the war. Hamas’ barbaric terrorist acts, which killed 1,400 Israelis including infants, forced Israel into war. My colleague, Representative Omar, voted against Iron Dome which is a system of missile defense that protects Israeli citizens from rockets. Iron Dome interceptions would have resulted in far more Israelis dying, by an order of magnitude. “Her policy decisions would have led to more Israelis and Palestinians dying.”


Torres, who is a member of the DSA, which includes the majority of Squad members, has spoken out strongly against “indoctrinating” young people in hatred against Israel.

Torres is on target here, even though I’m not a fan of his views on many things. Ilhan Omar, her Squad colleagues, and anyone else who truly cared about the safety of innocent people would have supported Iron Dome. Without it, Israel would have been a sitting duck against Hamas.

But, again as Torres also noted, the “ceasefire” proponents have themselves been indoctrinated against Israel (some of them, like Tlaib and Omar, since birth) and have passed that down to younger generations of Americans who now feel free to hold “protests” in which they display their solidarity with murderous Hamas paragliders who have raped, tortured, and murdered innocent civilians in the name of a sick and twisted ideology.

Omar tweeted in 2012, “Israel has hypnotized people around the world. May Allah awaken them and help them to see the evil deeds of Israel,” in a tweet that was since deleted. Omar revealed who she was in 2012 and continues to do so today.

Torres deserves credit for not being afraid to criticize her and her co-workers. But if he believes that naming them and calling them out will make anyone better, then he’s sadly wrong.