Psychology Professor Cuts Off Husband’s Penis, Then Buried Knife In His Eyeball


A psychologist professor from Argentina was charged with stabbing her husband, a trumpet-playing man. According to police, the woman allegedly cut off her husband’s penis and then inserted the knife in his eyeball.

Florencia Amado Cattaneo, 41, chopped off her husband’s penis, according to the Rio Negro news outlet based in Argentina. The body of Pedro Federico Zarate was reportedly discovered by his sister-in-law at the apartment in Altos de San Lorenzo, where the couple lives with their 5-year-old son. The suspect’s sister became worried when Zarate didn’t respond to phone calls for days.

Police arrived at Zarate’s apartment to find a knife in his eyeball.

Cattaneo’s sister claimed that Cattaneo had bloodstains on her hands.

Cattaneo was reportedly found by police at her mother’s home on Jan. 11. Cattaneo was taken into custody and charged with stabbing Zarate.

Local media reports say Zarate had stab wounds “all over his body.”

According to The Daily Star, Mado Cattaneo was admitted to the psychiatric ward at a La Plata medical center, where she will be subject to tests. According to sources, the prosecutor’s office says it is unlikely she will be tried if she is found mentally incompetent.

Rio Negro quoted an Argentine judicial specialist who stated, “It can’t be said if her criminally responsible or otherwise, but it is certain that she isn’t in a position to submit to criminal proceedings at the moment.”

According to neighbors, the couple was reportedly together for around 10 years before getting married in 2017.

According to the Daily Beast, Zarate worked at the Estacion Provincial Cultural Center of La Plata as a trumpet player in a Reggae band. According to the Daily Beast, he was also an actor, music producer, and activist for human rights.

Cattaneo, a psychologist at the General Directorate of Culture and Education of Buenos Aires, was allegedly Cattaneo’s mentor since 2012.