Resurgent ISIS Calls on Muslims to Kill Jews, Overlooked Aspect of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


“White supremacist terrorists,” are being sought out by Old Joe Biden’s handlers. However, terrorists of the Islamic State, (ISIS), are regrouping and becoming more assertive. The article is titled “Kill the Jews” and calls for a global war between Muslims and Jews. This has been happening for seven decades. However, ISIS’ bloodthirsty call for arms is a reminder of how dangerous and dangerous it is to pretend that it has nothing to do with religion.

MEMRI, Middle East Media Research Institute reported that Sunday’s ISIS article made reference to the Qur’an (the holy text of Islam), in support of the denigration of Jews. They were also described with great precision and detail. A Muslim should not be surprised at the behavior of Jews, their followers, and their aides. He observes their deceitfulness and prepares to fight them out of necessity.

This is supported by the Muslim holy book which states that Muslims are under Allah’s curse (9.9) and that Jews are the most hostile towards Muslims (5.82).

MEMRI reports that the ISIS article stated that Allah had revealed many negative characteristics of Jews in the Qur’an. They included their “unbelief” in Allah and polytheism, their distortion and corruption of Allah’s word, their “curse of heartlessness”, their “continued striving toward corruption and chaos,” their “arrogance and pretension” and their “jealousy towards Muslims span>

ISIS claims that Israel’s fight against it is eschatological, not political. It admits however that many analysts have not seen this. “Most people have not paid attention to the Quranic descriptions of the Jews and its purpose. They have instead focused on the historical narrative of events, diverging from what caused conflict. ISIS questions: “Is it possible for you to claim that the war on the Jews isn’t religious?”

This is not an ISIS idea. It’s a common belief among many Muslim clerics. He said: “If the Jews fled Palestine, would they begin to love them?” He said, “If the Jews fled Palestine to us, would they start loving them?” Qur’an 9-10: Allah declared that they were infidels.

Another Muslim Sheikh Said Al-Afani challenged Western wisdom when he claimed that his hatred for them was religious. He stated that his hatred was not due to the land of pure and sacred Allah has blessed, or Gaza.

Abdallah Jarbu, Hamas’ deputy minister for religious endowments, condemned anyone trying to negotiate between Israel and Hamas on Al-Aqsa TV. February 28, 2010, at 10:05 PM.

ISIS’ article contains chilling instructions. This is directly a result of this dehumanization. This article should be carefully considered by Western policymakers before they make further disastrous mistakes to prolong the conflict.