Ted Cruz Endorses Trump: ‘I Believe This Race Is Over’


Remember when Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump got into some serious personal disputes when they were both running for president in 2016 when they both ran? They were able, somehow, to mend fences after Trump took the Oval. This was proven by Cruz again Tuesday when he endorsed the former president as the next President.

The Senator took to X and announced his support.

Cruz, who won Iowa’s caucuses back in 2016, appeared on “Hannity,” to discuss Trump’s win and explain why he believes Trump is the right person for the job.


Listen, last evening was decisive. [Iowa] is a decisive victory for Donald Trump. I have to admit, the Iowa Caucuses are unlike any other place. I am familiar with it. They take their responsibilities very seriously. They carefully examine the candidates.

It’s a fascinating process and I believe in letting the democratic process play out. Last night, it all played out and I was able to confirm that Trump won in every way. He received 51 percent of the votes. He won 98 counties.

Salutations to President Trump for his dominant victory.

At this point, this race has ended.

Cruz did not stop there. He then went on to criticize the current president Joe Biden for his destructive policies:

Joe Biden must be defeated. We have to defeat this cultural Marxism agenda at the White House. We have to retake control of the United States Senate. We have to hold the House. Come together and win. The results of last night have confirmed that the people are speaking.

Now is the time to win in November.

It’s amazing to see Cruz’s support for the 45th president. Not that long ago, I believed that the two would never be in the same room, because they were so hateful of each other. But now, here is the Texas Senator praising the former rival. The battles between the two were fierce and derogatory and I thought they would be impossible to overcome.

Trump and his rivals have proven that they are willing to let the past be forgotten. Vivek Ramaswamy, Trump’s rival, was nuked by him over the weekend. But they have already made amends.

It will be interesting to watch as the process progresses, whether Trump can form similar alliances with former South Carolina senator/U.N. If Trump wins the GOP primaries, he will be competing against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Ambassador Nikki Haley. Will one or both of them end up as failed candidates like the former New Jersey Governor? Chris Christie seems to have devoted his life in recent years to attacking the former President.

The time will tell but I can say with certainty that it won’t be boring. Cruz’s endorsement is significant and cements Trump as the likely GOP candidate for 2024.