Ted Cruz Responds to Colin Allred’s Bizarre Capitol Police Threat


A bizarre exchange took place between a reporter, and Rep. Colin Allred of Texas (D) while they were walking down the Cannon House Building. Allred threatened to call Capitol Police because the citizen journalist was questioning a taxpayer-paid Congressman on federal property funded by taxpayers.

Here’s a video of the back-and-forth between Sen. Ted Cruz and Senator Cruz for those who didn’t see it.

The Daily Caller’s exclusive report on the incident noted that, while they couldn’t follow or film elected officials in every part of the building, it was perfectly legal for the reporter to ask questions and record Rep. Allred as he did so in the hallway.

According to the Daily Caller, videotaping is allowed in public areas within the Cannon House Building.

Allred announced his Senate candidacy back in May, hoping to be the one who would face Sen. Cruz at the general election in 2024. Allred, though he will not be the only Democrat running in the Democratic Primary, is the highest-profile Democrat who has declared his candidacy to date.

Cruz, in his second Senate term, saw the video in which Allred threatened to call Capitol Police against the journalist and he had a great response.

What’s he trying to hide? indeed.

Allred, who is in his second term as Congressman, should know that you must be able to explain and defend your record if asked. If a politician fails to answer such questions repeatedly, it is a sign that they are either ashamed of their record or want to keep the voters in the dark. The fact that they would call the police in order to get rid of the person is a sign they do not believe they have any responsibility to the public.

This is not at all a good-looking look.

Texas voters should know where Allred stands in regard to important issues such as Middle East funding and gender identity politics. If Allred can’t answer questions from one citizen journalist, and believes he is above explaining his positions to people in his own state, he doesn’t deserve to be in the House of Representatives or even a Senate position.