This Man Murdered A Friend Over Mayonnaise


The famous slogan “Bring out only the best” is easy to understand by looking at the featured photo above. Hellmann’s/Best Foods Mayonnaise has been “bring[ing] forth the best” in America for more than 100 years.

Except for December 17, 2020, in rural Iowa.

Kristofer Erlbacher (29), killed Caleb Solberg (30) with his pickup truck. Solberg was struck once by Erlbacher, who then hit him twice more. He then ran over Solberg again to make sure he was dead.

Erlbacher called Solberg’s brother to inform him that he had just murdered Solberg.

The Twiner Herald reported Solberg, Erlbacher, and another person were drinking at a Moorhead Bar when Erlbacher put mayo onto Solberg’s food. Solberg responded to Erlbacher with heavy sarcasm.

This was on an elimination match in a steel cage with damn mayonnaise.

The third person, Erlbacher, drove approximately 10 minutes to Dave’s Old Home cafe in Pisgah (population 261).

According to the complaint, a third person approached Pryor from the outside and warned him about Erlbacher, who was inside. If you need a scorecard, you don’t have a to-do list.

According to a criminal complaint, Erlbacher fled the scene after the fight ended and used his 2001 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck to smash into Pryor’s car. Erlbacher then got out of his pickup truck and did use the damage.

Solberg was struck by Erlbacher’s pickup truck at 10.10 p.m. The verdict states that the first blow did not kill him.

Erlbacher was walking down a street when he saw Solberg and turned around to strike him again. According to the verdict, Erlbacher drove over Solberg one more time to ensure he had killed him.

Erlbacher lost his car. His father called him to get help. Pryor called him to tell him that his brother had been killed.

This was a normal response. Nothing crazy happened here.

Erlbacher was convicted after a bench trial and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Greg Steensland was the District Judge who wrote the verdict.

Erlbacher did not kill Solberg with his first punch. Erlbacher drove down the street, and he turned around to strike Solberg once more. Erlbacher drove over Solberg to make sure he did the job correctly.

Pryor summarised the whole thing with an understatement. “It wasn’t just another bar fight in Harrison County,” he said.

Erlbacher said that he acted in self-defense and that he was not attempting to kill Solberg.