U.N. Predicts Serious Climate Time-Bomb Is Ticking Again


This is a message you must hear if you haven’t already. The planet is on the verge of melting. Literally, melting. There is no other planet. If you don’t stop heating your home, all life on Earth is at risk. The tipping point for all previous tipping points is only 10 years away. Listen to Al Gore. Listen to the Easter Island statue talking. Obey. Stop using fossil fuels.

The Los Angeles Times published a front-page story in April 2022 warning me and others that we would experience another dry winter. Super dry. The Times warned:

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, California is set for a warm and dry winter. La Nina conditions are expected to continue through January.

This week’s U.S. Winter Outlook, published by the agency, is a warning sign for the drought-stricken state as it enters the season that is usually its wettest. When rainfall and the Sierra snowpack replenish water supplies, it can be a difficult time.

My wife and I were sent written warnings not to water our yard. We were only allowed to water on Tuesdays. California, get used to it. We are about to enter another dry winter. The rains began. The rain has not stopped. The state is covered in snow.

Greta Thunberg (UN’s perpetual child), deleted a tweet from 2018 recently. Greta Thunberg, then a child, shared a link to an article that cited “scientists”, who warned that the earth should stop burning fossil fuels within the next five years or it would be doomed.

Although I am not a mathematician, I can add 2018 + 5 is 2023. The New York Post mocked Greta’s removal and cited Greta. Greta was saved by AP “fact-checkers”. AP claimed that the mocking Post article “lacked context”. Oh, ok, AP…

I wrote in July 2022 about the dire warnings of impending doom and the tipping point. We’ve all tippled over many tipping points.

Greta Thunberg warned us that we’re on the edge of the abyss. We “stole her dreams, her childhood”. I don’t feel guilty. Greta, I cannot give it back. Hashtag: “Not sorry.” AOC once said that the world would be gone by 2031. There are nine years left. Make sure you have a will. It won’t matter what, there won’t be anyone to give it to. UN environmental scientists stated in 1989 that “entire countries would be wiped off the face of the planet” if “global warming” wasn’t addressed.

“Just a bit outside,” climate guys.

I also cited a Politico article that warned us about climate change. It’s not global heating now. It was global warming in the past. Now it is climate change according to the Book ‘o Doo editors. Another warning was issued by the author of Politico about dire consequences. Or we will be doomed. A claim of emissions was not supported with data, but who needs data anyway? Right? Right? I wrote:

It is not clear how the author managed to gather this data quicker than Gavin Newsom in order to make a reservation at French Laundry.

It is still a mystery. This was 2022. Now we are in 2023. According to our superiors, the West would experience another winter without rain or snow. However, it has seen record snowfalls and continuous rain.

We are here. Again. Another UN report has been issued on Climate Change. Again. The short version is: We all will die. CNN reports breathlessly:

Despite the International Energy Agency declaring in 2021 that no new fossil fuel development is allowed if the world is to fulfill its climate commitments, governments continue to approve oil, coal, and gas projects.

The controversial Willow oil drilling program in Alaska has been approved by the Biden administration. It is expected to be able to produce enough oil per year to emit 9.2 million tonnes of carbon pollution each year, equivalent to 2 million more cars on the road.

You may have read the book or seen it in motion. We have been told repeatedly over the past 50 years that the world will end if we don’t stop using fossil fuels. The New York Post brought us back to some of the greatest climate yellers’ hits.

The UN warned us in 1972 that we were heading toward a climate disaster.

The UN warned us in 1982 that we were heading toward a climate disaster.

The UN warned us in 1989 that we were heading toward a climate disaster.

As I write this, I look out at my dead grass as it is being soaked again with water. Water from the sky, which I was told one year ago, would not come.

Yes, I do know that “That’s the weather, dummy, and not climate” is a misleading phrase. But it’s the only way to go when the agenda doesn’t fit. CNN’s Bill Weir, a climate clown, will see a hurricane and confidently declare that it is a sign of doom. Even if they are wrong, believe them.

Climate Crisis! Did you hear that? They have changed the title once again. Global Warming was not working as it should, so now it’s a Climate Crisis.

No matter what it may be, you can rest assured that “WE ALL WILL DIE!”

Pay attention to the warnings. They mean it this time. Again, we are tipping over.