A writer who wanted to write a piece about “Transphobic” quotes from J.K. Rowling (the world-famous author Harry Potter) admitted that she couldn’t find any examples after doing months of research.
Rosetta stated, “3 months dedicated work and I can’t locate one truly transphobic JK Rowling quote that stands up against the scrutiny of journalistic integrity. JK has been subject to a lot abuse. It is difficult to forgive.
Rowling is aware of the reality of biological sex and advocates for women’s right. Rowling is concerned about the effects of transgender movements on young people.
Rowling stated in 2020 that she was worried about the “explosion of young women who want to transition.” Rowling expressed concern about detransitioning, which is the return to original sex. Rowling stated that they regret taking steps that had irrevocably altered their bodies or taken away their fertility.
Rowling stated that she cares about the safety of both transgender and biological women in the same essay. A transgender woman is a man who identifies as a woman.