Hillary Wants a Piece of Trump


Donald Trump has always been a target of the left, either to stop him from pursuing his political ambitions or to make a financial grab. Hillary Clinton bought the fake dossier that was used to justify Obama’s spying campaign.

After her unsuccessful lawsuit against Trump for racketeering, Hillary now demands $1 million in legal fees. Hillary’s lawyers refer to it as a “political stunt span>

Two-time unsuccessful presidential candidate’s attorneys filed Monday a federal court motion seeking sanctions against Trump. They stated, “A reasonable attorney wouldn’t have filed the suit and continued prosecuting it even though multiple motions by defendants highlighted its fundamental, inextricable defects. ”

Trump brought a civil lawsuit against Clinton, Jake Sullivan, Democratic National Committee, White House National Security advisor, British ex-spy Christopher Steele, and others seeking $24 million in damages. They tried to subvert Trump’s presidential campaign by making false claims of Russian collusion. Bill Clinton appointed Donald Middlebrooks, District Judge, to the bench. He tossed the suit.

Trump’s lawyers laughed at the motion.

Alina Habba was Trump’s lawyer. She stated that the motion was filed in a convenient manner one week before the election. We won’t support this motion and hope that the Court will notice this fraud.