A Minnesota Gender Clinic Touts Treating Three-Year-Olds


I was often curious about how far the Left could go before reaching the point of no return. It is a place in which reality has been so distorted that it is difficult to return to.

Although we may not be there as a nation or globally, there are pockets where a parallel universe has collided with reality and exchanged bits. Humanity is at risk of being irredeemable.

According to The Post Millennial Angela Kade Goepferd directs Minnesota Children’s Hospital’s Gender Health Program. She believes that transgender children can be identified as young as three years old.

Many people have had to have surgery or treatments only to find out that they made horrible mistakes.

My grandchildren have been frogs, princesses, cops, soldiers, and kings. They want to be lawyers, veterinarians, and doctors on any given day. My granddaughter once informed me that she was the proud owner of a pink Maserati, and although she had $1,000 in the bank, she only needed $10 from me to get her brakes fixed. Her pink Maserati is her bike.

Children’s imaginations are amazing. It allows them to see the world without the jaundiced eyes that come with age and experience, and to live fresh, new, and optimistic. It is awful that someone would hijack that imagination and wonder to serve themselves. The sneering, manipulative and narcissistic lifestyle is preferable for those who believe that consequences are in fact, inconsequential, so long as they are the masters of others and free to indulge in their fantasies. They remain oblivious to the misery that they cause.