Army Starts Sham Investigation Into Bondage Fetish Colonel and His Friends


The internet was stunned last week by an image showing a US Army colonel wearing “pup” fetish gear to celebrate his retirement.

This fetish seems to be all the rage at the top of the federal government. Sam Brinton, for example, who was recently fired as the head of the Department of Energy’s spent nuclear fuel program was an avid fan.

After being indicted in two States for stealing women’s luggage from airport baggage carousels, Brinton was fired yesterday

The first photo of @PupRavage was published. Connelly was then doxxed as Maryland National Guard Colonel Brian T. Connelly. (The tweet below misspells his name). Connelly is seen in the tweet thread cavorting with younger men over a long period of time. At least one of them is identified as a subordinate. Connelly appears to be engaged in a bondage fetish, as evidenced by the text of the Instagram posts. All of the men appear to be younger and likely lower-ranking military personnel. The thread below contains images that are NSFW, but they are not pornographic.

Connelly defends pup bondage as what Army Aviation Branch refers to as “Tuesday.” You don’t want Friday to be a Saturday because it won’t suit you.

The Army has launched an investigation.

The Army said Monday that it is investigating soldiers who were wearing bondage gear or dog masks while in uniform.

These photos were shared on social media and show male soldiers wearing uniforms or parts thereof, as well as dog masks, leather, and chains. Some photos show submission poses and sexual acts. Another photo depicts a soldier wearing combat fatigues and a dog mask at an airfield.

Twitter shared some of these photos on Friday. They are stationed in Hawaii.

USA TODAY has obtained internal Pentagon email traffic that shows Army officials believe some photos were taken at a Hawaii base gym. The email source was not authorized to publish it. In the email, it states that there have been many reactions to the photos.

Don’t let this fool you. This investigation is a sham. The Army wants to show the poor people in the seats that it is really upset and they are doing something. Oh, and tell your congressman to support the Defense Appropriation Bill. While you’re at this, why not convince your child to enlist?

The thread on Colonel Pup Fetish contains comments that indicate that everyone knew exactly what he was up to. The mask was kept in his office. The other men involved (I use this term with caution) communicated and shared images through social media accounts that could be viewed by anyone. This was because Colonel Connelly and his colleagues in the chain of command were either okay with the sexual perversion, or too intimidated by Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Gestapo to complain.

The US Army is a crisis-prone institution. It was already in crisis culturally when 9/11 occurred. The Army was unable to resist the adoption of Critical Race Theory and DIE doctrines after its failures in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Army appears to have accepted every institution-killing novelty that the Ivy League race and gender faculties can offer.

It has not been without costs. It has been the cost of the warrior ethos that every military force requires for success on the battlefield. Camaraderie has been replaced by division along racial and gender lines. It has led to the loss of unit cohesion within combat arms through the introduction of sexual relationships into these units, both natural and unnatural. Because the career opportunities for women were greater than their lives, the unpaid cost of dead soldiers is still not paid.

A greater price was paid for the institutional integrity of the officer corps.

The code of conduct for officers was once the same as the West Point cadets. We will not tolerate any cheating, lying, or theft. This is because it’s simple. The truth is essential on the battlefield. Even if the truth is not pleasant or places your unit in a negative light, it is vital. The Obama regime’s last years.

Although it may seem stupid, how can it be corrupt?

Let’s return to August 2012.

Tammy Smith, Army reserve officer, describes her recent promotion as brigadier general as exciting and humble. She says it allows her to lead in the advancement of Army values and excellence.

She doesn’t mention that she is publicly acknowledging her sexuality, which makes her the first general officer to be openly gay in the military. This promotion comes less than one year after the repeal of the controversial “don’t ask, don’t tell” law.

She said, “All of these facts are irrelevant.” “I don’t believe I need to be focusing on that.” “It is important to uphold Army values and take responsibility for them.”

Or earlier in the week:

On Tuesday, a married Army General introduced his wife at a Pentagon event. The event featured much of the top brass including Defense Secretary Ashton Carter as keynote speaker.

This seemingly simple introduction was made memorable by Brig. His husband, Lucas, was introduced by Gen. Randy S. Taylor.

Gen. Taylor spoke of Lucas, his husband, as he sat up front in this row with Mr. Carter and Army Secretary John McHugh. He claimed that Lucas had subjugated himself to support the general’s frequent moves during an 18-year marriage.

“We put everything on my Army career,” stated Gen. Taylor. His 27-year service spans an outright ban against gays, followed by “don’t ask don’t tell”, and finally the ban’s lifting.

In both cases, the issue is not their sexual preference but the fact they were on active duty when it was illegal for them to engage in homosexual activities. This is called a fraudulent appointment. This is a federal crime. They accepted a salary for false pretenses. They were illegally appointed to their positions and any punishments they are handed out are illegal. They are now being honored by the Army as a hero. General Smith claims her promotion is about “upholding Army Values” which, after my departure, were expanded to include deceit and lying. These officers are unrepentant and self-confessed liars, so they should not have been promoted.

Two years ago, I visited the National Museum of the US Army in Fort Belvoir. A panel was dedicated to Brigadier General Tammy Smith who was the first lesbian general, in the “firsts” section of the Army’s display. There is no mention of the lies and deceit that enabled her to become a general.

No matter how shaming and destructive Colonel Pup’s unit discipline was, it was allowed by his chain of command and the Army. This is because it is more important for the Army to be at the cutting edge of societal degradation than win wars.