Democrats in Disarray: New Report Reveals Deep Anxiety About 2024


Joe Biden is not popular within his own party. There is no secret to anyone who pays attention to politics. Even if you ignore his anti-productive policies and look past the brewing scandals, Joe Biden’s age and apparent decline are becoming a serious problem.

In a lengthy report entitled “Slow Pace Biden’s Reelection Campaign Feeds Democrats’ Anxiety 2024”, Edward-Isaac Dovere revealed the truth. There are doubters despite assurances by Team Biden.

The top Democrats and donors are continuing to reach out to candidates seen as possible replacements for President. They make frantic phone calls, send emails and texts.

According to conversations reported by CNN, aides for several people urge you to prepare: despite his public statements and announced campaign, Joe Biden won’t be running again.

It seems that the time is running short, and his lack of a more aggressive campaign is an indication he’s not committed.

Biden must submit his fundraising report by July 15th.

Concerns about the slow pace of the campaign and how it compares to the $86m Barack Obama raised in the first few months after announcing his reelection bid, in 2011, have already fuelled the latest round of frustrations and worries expressed by nearly twenty Biden aides and top Democratic donors.

There are several things that are obvious. Many big donors do not lock-in.

Imagine the impact that anemic fundraising would have on the Biden campaign. Nobody wants to back a losing horse.

People who are “in the know” will make statements like these.

One of the key members of Biden’s 2020 campaign said: “If Trump wins next November, everyone will ask, ‘How did that happen? One of the first things people will want to know is what did Biden’s campaign do during the summer of 2023. ”

It’s hard to say which is more difficult – getting people excited about the campaign, or focusing on it,” said an anonymous Democratic fundraiser.

The report also raises these points:

  • Blown deadlines and comparisons to the Obama reelection campaign
    Biden has famously blown through every political timeline he has set for himself over the past eight years, but for an incumbent putting together what he and supporters feel is a campaign that is existential for the country, many leading Democrats feel the time is running shorter than ever.
  • A ‘crapshoot’ election
    Some frustrated next-generation Democratic operatives compare Biden to a house guest who’s overstayed his welcome and whom they still have all agreed to back at this moment. More committed progressives say they are ready to fall in line too because of the threat they believe Trump and other Republicans pose – “it’s basically a popular front to stop what Biden calls the attacks on freedom,” said Larry Cohen, the former president of the Communications Workers of America and board chair of the Bernie Sanders-aligned Our Revolution.

The timing of this report is intriguing. Is it to counter a bad fundraising report? Do they want to attract attention following negative media reports?

Does this show the Democrat Party and the legacy media working together in order to create the future we all know is coming?