Disney’s Magic Kingdom Removes ‘Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah’ From Park’s Playlist


OK, look. OK, I get the ridiculous, hyper-wokification of Disney nonsense. It means that I understand that the company’s common stock was devalued by nearly 50% by mid-2022 as disgruntled former Disney fans said “adios!” to the Mouse. But “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah”?

Is there anything sacred in the World of Wokeness anymore?

We’ll get to the bottom of the story, as reported on Sunday by WDW News Today:

“Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” has been removed from Magic Kingdom’s entrance music loop. Today marks the end of operation for Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World. The song is featured in the park’s closing ceremony.

The song was not the first to be removed by Disney. It was absent from the Festival of Fantasy Parade in March 2022. In 2020, the song was removed from Disneyland Resort esplanade, and in September 2022 from Tokyo Disneyland.

James Baskett performed “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah”, the iconic Splash Mountain water ride that was criticised by the left for its racist roots. Although it used some characters and songs, the attraction didn’t tell its story.

It is there. Mr. Baskett was born in 1948 and died in Georgia. “Song of the South” is set in Georgia in the Reconstruction period after the Civil War ended and the abolishment of slavery. Any questions? Me, neither. Woke: 1, American Classic : 0.

Rotten Tomatoes calls “Song of the South”, as follows:

“Song of the South,” a film that focuses on positive messages for children and adults, is a great choice. The film’s combination of animation and live-action makes it more entertaining. It can be slow for children, but if you are able to see the message being taught, you will love this movie’s charmed characters and charming story.

A young boy is separated from his parents and moves to the South. He meets Uncle Remus, played by James Baskett. Through the stories he shares about the clever Brer Rabbit, he gives the boy valuable insight into his problems. Is this not systemically racist? [sarc]

The bottom line

As was the case with Aunt Jemima, “erasing Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah”, likely means “erasing James Baskett’s work and achievements. Some of these were made with Walt Disney. Today’s Disney is a wokified Disney. Despite Bob Eisner’s return to the CEO role, it seems that all that matters is pandering and supporting a small number of screwed up people.

Disney history should not forget Mr. Baskett or the song he wrote, but that’s the way the woke cookie crumbles.