Drug Shortages Soar to Record Highs, Overdose Deaths Follow Suit


This summer, the nation’s drug crisis reached a new high. The problem has gotten even worse in many ways since then.

Dr. Ajay Bhattagar, an oncologist, said the shortage was “extremely concerning” for cancer patients. “I hope that it can be corrected quickly, but at the moment it’s a concern as to how we formulate an adequate treatment without having it delayed or rationed. ”

CNN’s reporting on the hearing stated, “The crisis has been ongoing for decades and is not unique in America. ”

Generic drugs are in short supply, and Americans are choosing them because they are cheap. The main issue is that generic drugs are not available. Americans choose them because they are so cheap.

Marta Wosinska from the Brookings Institute told NPR that in March, the pharmaceutical supply chain of the United States, which extends through China and India, is a “geopolitical danger.” “It is simply impossible” to bring back this enormous supply line to the United States.

China has no problem supplying fentanyl and fentanyl precursors in large amounts.

This is an example, ignoring legality and morality of course, of the difference between a private (but underground) market, and one that is dominated by the government. Cancer drugs are not available. However, anyone with money can purchase as much fentanyl as they like.

During a meeting with President Joe Biden in San Francisco last month, Communist Chinese leader Xi Jinping confirmed Beijing’s commitment “to crack down on fentanyl chemicals” smuggling out of Mexico and the U.S.

Yeah, right.

Vanda Brown, a Brookings fellow, explained in March how Beijing views our drug crisis as an opportunity. In her article, she wrote that China sees counternarcotics laws and international law enforcement cooperation, more generally, as strategic tools that it can use to achieve its other goals.

In other words, fentanyl is a way that China can hurt the U.S., and “punitive measures, such as indictments or sanctions, are unlikely to” change this.

This week’s second record is due to the rise of fentanyl: “San Francisco has its deadliest year for drug overdoses because of a rise in this drug.” The report says that, by the end of October, “692 San Francisco residents had died from overdoses, which is more than 2022’s entire year.”

This year, the city is expected to see more than 800 deaths. It will be higher than its previous record year, 2020 when there were 720 fatalities.

Do you need chemotherapy drugs immediately? Dr. Jason Westin, a senatorial committee member, said that the absence of generic, inexpensive drugs such as fludarabine could mean life or death.

Do you want to die on the streets of San Francisco before dawn? Comrade Xi says, “No problemo.”

Do not click the DC News Now article that I sent to you.

This was used as an example of the state of journalism today. It mentioned the Pay for Performance Program but did not specify which committee, nor explain what it is or how it operates. Nor did it mention Sen. Mike Crapo’s role at a House Hearing. The story mentioned the Pay for Performance Program without specifying which committee it was, without explaining what or how it works, and without mentioning Sen. Mike Crapo’s role in a House Hearing.

Jessi Turnure wrote the report. She has been working in Nextstar’s DC Bureau, since 2019. She has worked in Nextstar’s DC Bureau since 2019.