Georgia Farmer Concerned About Bill Gates Being the Largest Farmland Owner in America


Will Harris, a fourth-generation South Georgia farmer, says he is worried about Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

According to reports, Gates is the largest private individual farmland owner in the United States.

Harris is the owner and operator of White Oak Pastures in Bluffton. This family farm, which dates back 152 years, is owned by six generations. Harris’ first concern is:

“Hell yes, I have concerns about Gates’ control over farmland. As a child abuser, I don’t want Gates to have control over even one child. It is a terrible thing to have someone who doesn’t know what to do with the land put in charge of it. What do you think I would do as a CEO of a financial institution or a tech company? This logic is the same as letting Gates manage an ecosystem as complex as it is. He doesn’t have the knowledge to properly manage it.”

Harris continued his second concern.

“Secondly, the whole thing has been kept way too secretive… An April 4, 2021 article informed us that Gates had purchased more than 200,000 acres in 18 different states. Georgia wasn’t listed among the 18 states. However, a friend of mine sold his Georgia farm to Gates before that date. They lie about what else?

Harris’s third concern is Gates’s mindset. He believes technology will solve all problems. Haris said:

“Gates believes technology is the solution to all problems. Everything is easier if you have a hammer. I am well-versed in the ways that technology has been misapplied and is responsible for many of today’s land management problems.

He is also concerned that Gates has “a lot of money in plant-based proteins.”

“He doesn’t understand that proper animal impacts are not responsible for climate changes… In fact, the proper animal impact is essential for the mitigation of climate change. This type of environmental mitigation is not possible in a monoculture pea or soy farm operation.

Harris’ fifth concern

“You can ask farmers in India and Africa about Gates’ impact on their agricultural systems… You can also look into the failed AGRA program (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa). This will give you a glimpse of the repercussions of allowing a businessman to make farming decisions. The billionaire leopard won’t change the fact that he is the most powerful man on the planet.

He closes by writing a letter directly to Gates

“If you truly care about the welfare of people and land, I invite you to visit my farm. Let me share my knowledge based on my 67 years of experience”…

Harris raised these concerns in order to warn others about Gates’ land purchases, and his investments in plant protein climate change.

As farmers have to sell their cattle herds, beef prices will likely rise even more.