House Republican Slams AOC for Silence on Cop Shooting in Her District


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) not being a serious person is an understatement.

Two officers from the 115th Precinct in Queens pulled over a male driver of a scooter on Monday. Raul Castro Mata is an illegal alien from Venezuela who shot at two officers. Both officers were injured but not seriously. The suspect has been taken into custody.

AOC is silent on the matter. It never should have happened in the first instance. Nicole Malliotakis, a Republican New York State Representative, spoke out about AOC’s lack of response on Tuesday night.

In her X-broadside against AOC, Representative Malliotakis used AOC’s words against her.

The suspect is a Venezuelan gang member tattooed with a Venezuelan gang sign.

The House Republican’s district includes New York City. A screenshot from the New York Post stated that sources had told the outlet that 19-year old Bernardo Raul Castro Mata was arrested for the shooting of New York City Police Department officers Richard Yarusso, and Christopher Abreu. He has a tattoo which indicates to investigators that he may be a Venezuelan member of the “bloodthirsty Tren de Aragua” gang.

What conclusions can be drawn from AOC’s tirades in response to Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx, and her silence about this issue? We can and should conclude that AOC has never been someone who is to be taken seriously.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is not an intellectual; she’s not someone of substance. She is not a deep thinker. The halls of Congress have many such people.

The thing about principles is that they apply to every situation, regardless of skin color, nationality, or political views. The obvious fact is that if the shooter was a white NRA from Wyoming, AOC would have raised a hue and cry in Papeete. But since the shooter was an illegal alien?

AOC’s silent is due to politics. If she were a person with principles, she would have at least said something about the shootings of two police officers in her district. She is silent for political reasons, but since the shooter belongs to a protected group — illegal aliens.

Politics is conditional. Principles do not change. No matter who the person is or where they’re from, it’s wrong to allow them into the country and pay for their accommodation. No matter who is responsible for shooting at police officers, it’s wrong. No matter who the shooter is, the elected representative in a district where two police officers were killed should make a public statement about the incident. AOC is a representative of the district within AOC’s federal government, which is responsible for border security.

It’s a question of principle. This is why AOC has no seriousness; she doesn’t have any principles.

Malliotakis deserves credit for calling AOC out on her silence. The former bartender may be able to learn that shoes pinch when worn on the opposite foot. However, she has shown no particular interest in learning.