Illegal Immigrant in Texas Arrested for Murdering 16-Year-Old Cheerleader Lizbeth Medina


Texas police have arrested a suspect in the murder of Lizbeth Medina (16), found dead in her apartment in December.

Edna Police Department has announced the arrest of Rafael Govea Romero. Officials believe he’s “the man who killed Lizbeth Medina in Schulenburg”.

Edna Police Department stated in a Sunday press release, “Texas Rangers and Edna Police Department went immediately to Schulenburg for the arrest of Romero on capital murder charges. Romero, who was arrested by the Edna Police Department on Sunday, was taken to Jackson County Jail. We understand that Lizbeth’s family and friends are still grieving. The community needs to support them. ”

Jacqueline Medina is Lizbeth Medina’s mother. She said “No” when asked if the suspect was someone she recognized. The police are waiting to give her more information.

Last Thursday, Lizbeth’s death shocked Edna as police searched for the suspected killer of the teenage girl.

Jacqueline Medina reported last week that she found Lizbeth, 16 years old, dead in the bathtub of their Cottonwood Apartments after having not seen or spoken to her on Tuesday.

“I decided that I would go find her. The phone kept going straight to voicemail when I called. My friend helped me locate her after I went into the bathroom.” Medina said, “There she is, I opened the shower curtain and saw her foot. ”

Medina left for work around 6 am on Tuesday. Medina told me she had woken up Lizbeth to get ready for cheerleading practice. Medina said that Lizbeth was last heard from around 7:30 am on Tuesday. Her friends and family believed that her phone died.

Lizbeth missed school on Monday so her classmates didn’t think it odd that she was not at school on Tuesday.

Medina went to the parade early to look for her daughter, but she didn’t find her. She asked her family and friends to help her locate her. Lizbeth had died in the bath when Medina returned home.

“There are times when I feel like I must be strong for Medina.”

She claimed that Lizbeth and she held the keys to the apartment.

Romero was arrested a day after Edna Police released footage of a suspect from a surveillance camera.

Medina had previously described her daughter as “a wonderful, good girl”. “She was very mature, and she cared deeply for her family and friends.”

“I want to be remembered as the person who took her away from me, not as the teenager who did crazy things. ”

To help in the search for Liz Medina’s suspected killer, The Medina Family set up a GoFundMe Page titled “Justice For Lizbeth Medina”.