Is Michelle Obama About to ‘Wiggle Into’ the 2024 Presidential Race?


Many people believe that Barack and Michelle Obama missed the power they had during the Obama administration. Some believe that the former president was pulling Joe Biden’s strings since the beginning. But what if this is not enough for the power-crazed pair?

Do the Obamas miss their White House influence enough to try to regain it by Michelle running for President in November? We all know that strange things have occurred. I would bet that in the next 10 months, we will see events that we have never seen before in presidential politics.

Cindy Adams, a columnist for the New York Post, warned Wednesday that Americans should not be surprised if Mrs. Obama sneaks into the race in 2024. She started her op-ed with a scathing attack on Biden.

Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Can’t. You can forget him, as most of us have already done.


This is what you should do:

Come back, Obama. Not him. HER! This drumbeat has been going on for some time. It’s getting louder. Michelle is the Democratic presidential candidate. Barack, the orchestra leader, is the one who makes the music.

How does Adams know that there are “plans” to grab Michelle? I don’t think she knows. The columnist, however, continued to speculate on Mrs. Obama’s plans.

Obama is quietly pushing for Joe’s departure. He has been slack about this for several weeks. The mouths don’t talk. Mouths know, but they aren’t talking.

She was in NYC over a year ago, meeting hedge fund CEOs, and told them, “I’m running and I ask for your support.”

Why is Michelle waiting so long before entering the race? Could this be part of an overall plan to dump Joe by March? By “dumping Joe”, I mean first offering him a way to save his face and quietly bow out.

Michelle Obama herself has told us one thing. According to Bob Hoge’s report on Jan. 9, Michelle Obama said that Donald Trump’s victory in the November election keeps her awake at night.

What could happen? I’m terrified.


Joe Biden is only hoping for the worst president of all time, at this stage of his presidency, because he is his only hope.

Adams believes that Joe’s failure could give Michelle a chance to wiggle into the picture. Obama is negotiating with the other side to make this happen. She continued:

Listen to their gurgling about the election. Concern over Joe’s bad polling, about Trump being bad, and everything else but Bad Bad LeRoy. Obamas don’t make casual statements.

No, I don’t buy it.

Bottom Line

Business Insider estimates that the Obamas are worth at least 70 million dollars, and they live a lavish lifestyle. Meanwhile, Biden, 81 years old, is unable to control his former puppet master.

Are the Obamas willing to sacrifice the pleasures enjoyed by multimillionaires to hold the reins of power for four or eight more years?

I can’t imagine it happening. What do you think about it?