Kristi Noem Gives a Dose of Perspective to CNN Producer Whining About CNN+ Job Losses


There’s been plenty of schadefreudeliciousness regarding the quick and merciless death of CNN+, the vaunted streaming service that CNN launched less than a month ago.

CNN launched its highly anticipated streaming service on March 29, too much fanfare, if you missed it. CNN+ was created to offer exclusive content and Chris Wallace, who had been lured away by Fox News.

There was speculation that CNN+ wouldn’t be around for too long before it got started. According to reports, Wallace began having “daily breakdowns” and CNN+ was soon abandoned. It’s now gone.

Many people have been football-spiking since the announcement that CNN+ was doomed. One CNN producer is especially sad about this. Ellie Smith, a CNN producer but not at CNN+, tweeted her sorrow.

Let’s face facts: It’s very sad when people lose their job. I understand her point of view, to a certain extent.

The reality is that many hardworking Americans have lost their jobs due to the left, which CNN supports unabashedly and wholeheartedly.

Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem noticed and gave Smith some perspective.

Although it’s quite a bit of work, Noem has a great point.

Joe Biden stopped construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day as a Vice President. This led to job losses that Ellie Smith couldn’t complain about.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) pointed out that the pipeline’s destruction led to nearly 2,000 job losses in his state, a claim fact-checkers supported.

What about those who were fired for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates? Smith was reminded by Tim Bryant, a Georgia radio presenter, about the jobs lost.

Although I could not find any accounting on the number of people who were fired for refusing to get the jab, we can be certain that it was much more than the “hundreds” of technicians and journalists Smith complains about.

Biden even looked for ways to make people work while he was campaigning. Biden, the human gaffe machine, made a campaign visit in New Hampshire in December 2019. He warned coal miners that he would be looking for new jobs if elected president.

Biden exclaimed, “Anybody can go down 3,000ft in a mine can, sure enough, learn to program… Anyone who can throw coal into an oven can learn how programming is done.”

Remember John Kerry, Biden’s climate czar, and a message he sent to employees in the oil-and-gas industry, encouraging them to work with solar panel producers.

CNN’s liberal friends and the Biden administration have a history that is quite cruel to hardworking Americans. Don’t be surprised if I don’t shed a few tears for the CNN+ employees currently out of work.

They will find other jobs in journalism very soon, I’m certain. They might be able to make solar panels or code if they don’t.