Lara Trump Single Censored: Is the Name the Issue?


There are few people on the planet who have names that trigger horrible images and thoughts in others, making them want to change their names. Most of us can be proud of our names. In America, those who dislike a name feel justified to destroy those who wear it. Trump is the name. The former president Donald Trump faced hatred never seen in this country before, even for a human being let alone a politician. Trump has been attacked not only politically but also personally. In real-time, we are seeing attempts to not only keep him from running for president in 2024 but also to destroy the business he has spent his life building. This philosophy applies to his entire family. You must destroy them. Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara is the latest target.

Lara Trump is the wife of Donald Trump’s son Eric. She’s a woman with many talents. She’s a former TV producer and hosts a podcast, The Right View. Most recently, Lara Trump released a single – a cover version of Tom Petty’s song “I Won’t Back Down.” I didn’t know she sang. I’d love to hear her sing. Likely, many others would also love to hear it. The company that owns the Times Square billboard, where the advertisement for the single could appear, has refused to put her name or, specifically, her last name, on the artwork of the cover.

TSX Entertainment owns the billboard. The reason they don’t want to promote Lara Trump or use her name is because it’s Trump. TSX Entertainment said that “Trump” was “an issue.” TSX Entertainment, in a feeble effort to appear as if they were working with her, offered this suggestion: They would print “Lara” but leave out “Trump.” The company put up a poster with the cover art of the song but without any text.

Eric thought:

Lara Trump was not shy about her opinions.

“[Producer LJ Fino] told me about this and I said, “Hell no! I don’t want to be with Lara alone.” I am proud to be called Lara Trump. “The billboard was just launched with the image, and not the title of the song.”

She also pointed to the obvious double standard that comes with almost everything when your name is Trump. She continued:

This is the same company that was happy to advertise Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and teachers’ unions, but I am too political with my cover song.

Lara Trump is treated differently by the usual outlets that sell new music. Amazon tracks sales using a barcode that is different from the ISRC standard code. This code is used to determine whether sales are eligible for the Billboard Charts. Apple Music is also participating. Lara Trump’s version of the song is not included when searching by song title. The song is listed far below parody songs of her father-in-law when searching by artist name. It seems that it’s more important to have them easily accessible. Spotify initially did not list the song as a search result. The song was only available by searching for Lara Trump’s full name. As a Spotify user, I was able to listen to the song. When you search for a song by title, the second result is displayed.

Lara Trump said the opportunity to cover the song was given to her because she posted videos of herself on Instagram playing the piano. When asked if she sang, Lara Trump replied, “Yeah. In the car or karaoke.” She added:

“I have no grand ambitions to be a singer, but I thought this was so cool, it was a great experience.” It’s an amazing song. Tom Petty did a fantastic job.

When your name is Trump it seems that you can’t live your life no matter which path you take. You will be snared by the double standard of having this moniker. Lara Trump was not surprised either. She told Daily Mail: “Sadly, it’s expected given our last name.” “I wish I were surprised, but I am not.”