It’s December, & Antifa Members Are Finally Being Charged!

After more than a year of watching violent thugs walk away from justice, it is now that December 2021 is turning out to be a nightmare in the eyes of Democrats' commie street urchins. The Nancy-Bois of Antifa, a man-bunned Nancy, is actually beginning to see inside prisons. Jacob Michael Gaines traveled from Texas and Oregon to play tough with federal...

Should We Really Believe That Under 12 Americans Are Still In Afghanistan?

His State Department has reported that less than a dozen Americans still want to escape the country 110 days after President Joe Biden's chaos in Afghanistan's surrender. Do we really believe this? After the disastrous retreat which earned opprobrium both sides on the political side, Team Biden claimed that it had left behind roughly 100 U.S. citizens, but now claims it has "directly helped" 479 Americans,...

Airline CEO’s Know The Truth Too: Masks Don’t Work

Senator Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation were able to hear testimony from the chief executives of major airlines. They spoke mostly about the $54 billion bailouts the industry received during the pandemic. CEOs let the cat out of the bag regarding the safety and efficacy of wearing masks while flying. Gary Kelly, Southwest Airlines' CEO, spoke to the U.S. Senators heard Wednesday...

An Environment That Cultivates Perverts: That’s CNN For You

CNN has what kind of corporate culture? It's evident by the behavior of certain employees that it is a culture that encourages sexual degenerates. Exhibit A was taken in October 2020 when COVID-19 corporate Zoommania was at its height. CNN had to send Jeffrey Toobin, a legal analyst, on leave. He whipped it out and slapped it during a live...

As Expected, The CDC Has Miscounted & Data Is Totally Wrong

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has overcounted the number of Americans who have been partially vaccinated by counting booster shots as well as second doses. It is worrying to see the practical consequences of the CDC's incompetence. Many millions more Americans are likely to have not received a single shot of the vaccine, and may not have been vaccinated....

Arrests At The Border Jump 5% In November Alone

As illegal immigrants try to enter the United States, the Customs and Border Patrol continue to be overwhelmed by the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. Unpublished statistics show that border arrests rose 5% to 173,600 in November. Although this headcount is not as high as the 213,000 recorded in July, it's still a significant increase in Venezuelan nationals being arrested...

Prime Minister of UK, Wanting a Lockdown After Christmas

In the United Kingdom, the omicron coronavirus variant is rapidly spreading. On Saturday, there were 90,418 cases of COVID-19 in the UK. There were 125 deaths after a coronavirus test was positive. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, promised that he would not shut down the country. However, it is looking increasingly unlikely that he will be able to...

Blasio Should be Fired in NYC

Bill de Blasio is set to become unemployed within 15 days. At least we hope so. Protestors who were unvaxxed tried to order food from Applebee's Queens Borough in New York City. These anti-vax mandate peeps don't just consist of white people wearing MAGA hats. Joy Reid, MSNBC's Joy Reid, would have you believe. Did she say that she was fired because she...

When Will Democrats NOT Be Obsessed With Trump?

Although he left the Oval Office one year ago, House Democrats are still obsessed with Donald Trump. They threaten Mark Meadows, the former White House Chief Of Staff, with jail for refusing to comply with an illegal subpoena. The Select Committee To Investigate January 6th Attack On the United States Capitol issued the subpoena earlier in the year. This special...

Build Back Never? Vote Pushed Into New Year

Democrats want to push for a vote on Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act into next year because of party infighting. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.N.Y.). He hoped to pass it before Christmas but key holdouts such as Sen. Joe Manchin (D.W.Va.), prevented him from doing so. He was unable to do so due to key holdouts like Sen....