Progressives Shocked to Find Gun Buybacks Don’t Decrease Gun Crime


This one can be filed under “No sh*t Sherlock”. Gun buybacks could be just as effective in decreasing gun crime as using a pocketknife for cutting down oak trees. A CNN report explained that years of research revealed that these programs have no impact on the levels of gun violence occurring in these cities. So essentially, these researchers were paid to tell authorities what any of us could have told them without the hefty paycheck.

Lori Lightfoot, Chicago Mayor, announced Chicago’s buyback program. In exchange for gun surrenders, cities often give residents gift cards.

According to CNN:

Chicago officials are able to receive hundreds to hundreds more guns every year through buyback programs. Despite the fact that this does not reduce gun violence, it is because guns are not taken away from people who do not have them.

These programs can be found in many American cities.

Joseph Giacalone (retired NYPD officer) told the activist media outlet that it was good theatre. He continued: These are pony-and-dog shows. A million dollars won’t stop violence anywhere in Chicago. This doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

It is hard to believe that drug dealers and gang members would trade their guns in exchange for gift certificates.

In spite of these facts, CNN & anti-gunners tried to preserve some credibility for these programs.

The author states that programs are most effective when they focus on community engagement and awareness, not violence reduction.

Glen Brooks is the Director of the Chicago Police Department’s Office of Community Policing. He stated that the program helps people feel a strong connection to the city and shows their love for it.

Yeah sure, Glen.

Researchers looked at the National Incident-Based Reporting System to see if gun buyback programs reduce crime.

Gun buyback laws work in the same way as other gun control laws. This program is intended to disarm those who aren’t planning to commit gun crimes.

You don’t need to do any expensive research or rocket science to see that none of these programs will address gun violence. They are losing the fight against gun ownership, which is why guns are becoming more popular.