Spot-On Impersonator Nails Kamala’s Speech Woes in New Clip


As the presidential campaign of 2024 kicks off, it’s a good time to refresh your memory on Biden’s second in command.

As Joe Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris has naturally been in the spotlight more than usual over the past three years. This is due to Biden’s age and his frequent memory lapses which were both highlighted in the Hur Report.

As the talk shifts to “What about Kamala?” As rumors resurface about Democrats dropping Biden from their 2024 ticket it is important to note that Kamala Harris, in addition to lacking meaningful political skills and policy gravity, has a major comms issue.

Kamala Harris’s comms team is notorious for its high turnover, but it is also true that Kamala is a verbal salad. Elsa Kurt – a Kamala impersonator we have written about in the past – explained to us in Kamala Speak in early February what the sound of every platitude-filled Kamala Harris talk sounds like.


James Woods is a conservative actor and firebrand who shared the clip, making Kurt swoon.

Kurt commented on Harris’ promotional stop for electric vehicles, pointing out some of the most absurd and embarrassing moments, such as Harris not knowing how to plug something into an electrical socket:

Kurt is a master of Harris’ fake laughter and annoying mannerisms. He can also make something simple and complicated.

Kurt’s TikTok page shows that she has performed over 120 Kamala impressions during Harris’ vice presidency, including two with nearly 2 million views.

While these videos are entertaining to watch, the unflattering light they cast on Kamala Harris may be her biggest problem heading into the elections of 2024: her inauthenticity.

Even the Democrat apologists of the Washington Post in December 2021 touched on it, and I wrote at the time.

Even an uninformed observer can see her lack of authenticity. Her words are scripted and fake. She often comes across as uninformed about the issues she is asked to discuss.

Harris has a lot of problems, but most of them are her fault, particularly the authenticity issue. She is not ready to serve, despite what she says.