The Single Most Important Post-Election Agenda Item for Conservatives


“When Ottawa announces laws and policies that are harmful to our economy or violate our rights, or when Ottawa seeks control over our sovereign areas, provincial jurisdiction, the UCP government (United Conservative Party), will not enforce these laws & policies in this region, period.” These were the words of the newly elected Alberta Premier Danielle Smith when she announced the Alberta Sovereignty Act.

The Alberta premier is being bold in a country where people are more willing to submit to tyranny and where she is the only conservative leader. We must also press Republican governors and legislatures to put “get off our lawn” signs in Joe Biden’s face.

Last week, I published a detailed analysis of the power Republicans have in state government and how they plan to expand it. They could theoretically have the power to pass legislation in all 30 states, thanks to their trifecta control and supermajorities. We must remind national Republican leaders that their power to control the Biden administration in Washington is limited and they don’t have full control over the government.

What should that look like? Legislators and governors should announce that if the federal government attempts to violate the Constitution, statutes, or rights of the people, such as openly engaging in the destruction of food, energy, and natural resources, these policies will be blocked by the states.

What does this actually mean?

All GOP-controlled legislatures must pass a bill that allows them to declare unconstitutional any federal regulation, policy, or statute via concurrent resolution. This law would make it illegal for any state, local official, or state-funded NGO to enforce the policy within their state borders. The law would also require the state law enforcement agencies and the governor to collaborate directly with him to block federal officials from enforcing those edicts.

This applies to specific issues:

  • Transgenderism policies cannot be implemented by federal governments.
  • All federal policies regarding surveillance and medical mandates or public health policies that are deemed unconstitutional or harmful are prohibited.
  • All federal policies that lock up state fuel, food, or natural resources are being suspended
  • All FBI raids against residents of the state that appear to be prima facie political persecutions, even if no violence allegations are made, are illegal and will not be tolerated.
  • All cooperation with federal law enforcement regarding surveillance, information sharing, or arrest of political opponents has been suspended.

States must step up when the federal government violates the social compact. This is where no reasonable person could claim that the federal government is trying to govern in accordance with the general welfare. If the feds are enforcing pipelines, natural gas terminals, storage facilities, and drilling, then states must come together to create an energy-parallel economy. This is the only way we can fight climate fascism which threatens to transform us into transhumans who eat bugs, drink sewage water, and live in containers. Danielle Smith stated, “On major policy issues, our government would be discussing a pushback plan to address issues like the federal oil-and-gas emissions cap and fertilizer reductions. It is an important part of this strategy.

Illegal immigration is another issue. It is, naturally, a federal issue. But what does a state do when the federal government violates national sovereignty laws and floods them with drugs, cartels, and criminal aliens? The Constitution is not a suicide deal. In Arizona v. United States (2012), Justice Scalia stated that “The naturalization power was not given to Congress to abate States’ power to exclude people they didn’t want, but rather to justify it.”

States have a fiduciary obligation to their citizens to protect them against the economic and safety concerns of illegal immigration. They should create a compact and establish a state-based policy on “returning to Mexico”. They must eliminate all benefits and employment so that cartels are only incented to send illegal immigrants to the blue state.

The colonial legislatures were the ones that gave birth to the first American Revolution. They worked together to create the Continental Congress and intervene against the British monarch. We are again confronted by a central government that is threatening the foundations of freedom and human rights. This federal tyranny can be deterred, defeated, or overcome by the state governments.

So the next time you hear your state or federal Republican official says we must wait until after the 2024 presidential election to restore life, liberty, and property, remind them that if they can’t properly govern with the power they already wield, the presidential election is meaningless.