Transgender Cannibal Baby-Rapist Put in Women’s Prison Near Mother-and-Baby Unit


Although this headline may seem impossible, it seems that there are no evil governments that won’t perpetrate these crimes on their citizens. To avoid being labeled transphobic, Canada’s conquered government allowed a cannibalistic baby rapist to live with women who had babies because he identified as a woman.

Reduxx reported:

Adam Laboucan, a Quesnel baby boy aged three months, abused him in 1997. Laboucan, then 15 years old, was hired to care for the baby. The infant suffered so severe injuries that he needed to be flown to Vancouver (410 miles) to have reconstructive surgery.

It is impossible to imagine the horrors of this man. He is so sick that he has taken parts of his arm. Laboucan was also reported to have killed a 3-year-old boy while he was still a minor, but it was ruled an accident.

According to a 1999 CBC news report, Dr. Steve Sigmond, a clinical psychologist, testified that Laboucan had admitted to drowning a 3-year-old boy in Quesnel, in 1993 when he was examined by him in 1997. Laboucan was eleven years old when he allegedly killed the boy. No charges were filed against him as a result of the law requiring that an accused be at least twelve years old.

Laboucan asked authorities to transfer him to a women’s prison, as he started to identify himself as a woman.

Laboucan, despite his violent and sexual crimes, is now identifying himself as a woman and has been transferred from the Fraser Valley Institution for Women to Abbotsford.

Although it’s not known when Laboucan transitioned, a 2018 dating profile shows him boasting about his “vagina”, breast implants, and other feminine features.

Laboucan posted his Canadian Inmates Connect profile, “I am a transgender woman. I was born a male but after surgery I became full-female.” “I have a 720cc DD Gel implant and a vagina”.

Instead of finding out that he was a predator looking to gain access to more victims and investigating him, the Canadian government put this man in a minimum-security prison together with pregnant women and allowed him to intimidate and leer at them. They would have discovered that he was using drugs in prison and threatened to kill a female guard if they had only reviewed his parole board interviews. The woke morons who run the asylum don’t care about facts. They only care about the woke points, and they don’t care at all about the safety of children and women.

He was denied parole in 2017 because he had assaulted female inmates while being transferred to a women’s prison. However, they didn’t place him back in the male prison where his rights are. Fraser Valley Institution for Women has Laboucan in its women’s prison. It has a mother-and-baby unit which, inexplicably, the baby rapist can access.

One of the inmates confirmed that Laboucan was being kept in the unit near the Mother-Child Program residence. He said that he had been staring at the children to “antagonize the women.”

An anonymous source described a terrifying encounter she had with Laboucan. She said that she was invited to attend a volunteer appreciation function and that her infant son was with her. She was told by a guard that Laboucan was there and informed her of his crimes against her 3-month-old son.

“I was told there was an extremely violent child sexual offender present, who hadn’t been in contact with a young child for a very long while,” she stated. She also said that her child was about the same age as Laboucan’s infant victim.

“Once I learned of the horrific crime against my child, I regret not going to the scene or letting that person see my child,”

She claims that Laboucan was placed next to the Mother-Child facility following this incident. His behavior escalated from then on.

The source said that these accusations of looming over the child program led to a dispute in which the trans sex offender grabbed and threw a female prisoner and then charged her with assault once she was down. “Fortunately, guards caught the male inmate and segregated her for inciting a response to confronting this trans inmate sexual offender for his actions.”

They punished the woman.

I’ve had enough. The world is insane. These policies were voted for by insane people. Purchase guns and ammunition. At this point, that’s all I have to say. What happens in Canada does not stay there.

The Correctional Service released a report in 2022 that revealed that 82% of “gender diverse” Canadian prisoners had a history involving sexual offenses. These men identified as transgender. Nearly all of them had been convicted prior to being granted transgender status. Over half of the victims were children or women. The majority committed serious offenses that resulted in death or serious injury to their victims.

After it was included in the Canadian Human Rights Act through a controversial piece known as Bill C-16, the “gender identity” category was made a protected characteristic in June 2017. Although the Canadian government claimed that the bill was evaluated for its effect on women before approval, it has not released any details about the assessment.

It feels like I am living in a huge prank. Is this really possible? Why can’t we stop this? Please wake me up. This is too much! It’s just so strange out there! Do I feel like I am the only one living in a nightmare? Comment below if you think we are all in some LSD CIA experiment perm-atrip simulation. It doesn’t make sense.