Will California Finally Suspend the Gas Tax?


California legislators are calling for the suspension or reduction of the 51-cent gas tax. However, the timing of this letter makes it difficult.

They want the Democratic Speaker of Assembly Anthony Rendon to move AB2457 out of committee “to allow for debate and a vote at the Assembly Floor prior to the House of Origin Deadline.”

The deadline for filing is Friday. This means that the deadline must be met quickly to ensure it can come to fruition. The Democrats who signed the letter must convince their fellow Democrats to vote against the tax increase of 3 cents per July 1, Fox 40 reported.

California’s average gas price is $6.07 per gallon. A suspension would immediately save Californians money. Even though gas will still be very expensive, the dollars saved could make all the difference to some drivers.

The letter stated that all of these pressures made a $7+ gallon possible, which would severely impact mobility in the state.

Californians will feel the effects of these high prices. However, the worst impact would be felt by the working-class and poorest families. They are more likely than others to have to commute longer distances due to the high-cost housing in the vicinity of large job centers.

For years, Republicans have begged the state’s Democratic supermajority for the repeal of the gas tax. Proposition 6 was the most recent example. State Republicans renewed their appeal after prices rose dramatically due to poor energy policy, increased demand, and inflation. Instead, Gov. CapRadio reported that Gavin Newsom’s hard left allies in Congress are busy debating a rebate cheque. Democrats would rather give the cash than admit to their faults, as they have been historically terrible at this (see the Employment Development Department fraud controversy).

“With a surplus of $97.5B, there’s no reason not to accept bipartisan proposals from the Problem Solvers Caucus calling immediately for relief at the pump. Californians who work hard are suffering from high costs, especially in my rural area. Many commute long distances on the freeways”.

Californians can save money at the pump by suspending the gas tax. Even Democrats know that. As opposed to giving out checks, there is almost no chance of fraud or misinterpretation. The bill is too simple, so the assembly will likely let it die.