Woke Feminist Melts Down Over Diapers Locked up in Drug Stores


This and other places have documented how modern “feminism” is corrupt to the core.

For example, in a 2020 piece I wrote titled “Feminists Reveal They’re ‘Even If Biden’s a Rapist, I’ll Vote for Him Anyway’ Strategy – and It’s Ugly,” a number of self-styled “progressive” women, some who said they had been victims of sexual assault themselves, proudly and loudly admitted they would be voting for Joe Biden anyway even if Tara Reade was telling the truth in her story about how he allegedly sexually assaulted her when he was a Senator and she was a staffer — all because of Orange Man Bad.

Many similar situations occur where “feminists”, in turn, are their worst enemies. Another option is to use the Twitter machine. These people can easily embarrass themselves, and make life easier for normal, non-woke people like us.

Jessica Valenti was the co-founder and first author of “Feministing”, a blog that she wrote between 2004 and 2011. She later wrote for major news outlets like The Guardian and The New York Times. However, she became mad at the sight of diapers being locked behind closed doors in a drugstore. It was so alarming that she created a whole Twitter thread about it.

Below is her first tweet in which she suggested that such actions were indicative of the oppression women face in America. In her next tweet, she wrote:

Most people are sane enough to not look at locked-up diapers with suspicion. But Valenti is exactly that type of victimhood advocate who sees evil in everything.

Then, she advocated for mothers to be allowed to take diapers if they were needed.

“On a practical level, how about people just taking the diapers if they are needed? She said, “I would hope that ensuring babies do not sit in their own filth would be a universal value.” Before adding that law enforcement (esp NYC) would like us to believe there are roving gangs that are interested in diapers other than keeping babies clean. It’s disgusting.”

She said that diapers were not given to customers because Rite Aid, which placed a location at that spot, was biased against low-income women in her last tweet.

“I would be interested to find out if diapers are stored in other areas of NYC. Valentic stated that it is not a coincidence that my Rite Aid is the nearest one to a housing development.

Jessica’s bad news is that “Google” has some actual examples of why diapers and baby formula are kept safe, regardless of whether they are sold in low-income areas.

POLK COUNTY (Fla.) – According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, a group of men and woman robbed more than $84,000 of diapers, baby formula, and other high-priced items at grocery stores across Florida in order to sell them on the black market.

According to deputies, seven arrests have been made in connection with the August 2019 investigation. One suspect remains unaccounted for, Beatrice Johnson.

This is an ABC News story from 2011.

Baby food powder is a popular item for organized crime. It sells for prices between $15 and $30 per can. This can be a very expensive item that can make theft rings a lot of money.

LaRocca stated that criminal groups are always looking for products to steal.

The powdered formulation is sometimes used by drug dealers to reduce heroin and methamphetamine levels or to increase the supply of the product.

Valenti forgot to mention that sometimes diapers and formula are locked up. She also mentioned other hot product items such as cigarettes, OTC meds at high prices, and liquor.

Cigarettes, over-the-counter medicines, and contraceptives are the most common items stolen from US stores.

Beck stated that drug stores tend to have more “hot products” than other retail outlets, so they are more secure.

This means that organized retail theft rings pose serious problems in real life. Retailers are forced to lock up their shops to keep their stores afloat, their employees employed, and their communities safe.

Jessica’s Real World mindset has obviously long since passed, so we can forgive Jessica for not knowing why protecting goods is a normal thing.

She knows that if stores let people take what they want, they will close down. This would mean that the low-income communities she advocates might not be able to get the goods or services they need.

Those are rhetorical questions, of course. Because I know even if Jessica could shoplift a box of clues from her local drugstore, she still wouldn’t get it.