More GOP Names Surface in DCCC’s Possible Theft of Personal Records of Air Force Veterans


RedState reported on Tuesday that it was discovered that personal records of Air Force veterans running for office during midterm elections were not properly requested and given over. The DCCC paid $110,000 to the organization that requested the records.

Streiff claims that Due Diligence held a lot private information about these candidates, including social security numbers.

It turned out that 11 GOP candidates had their information illegally disclosed:

Republican Representative Don Bacon (Nebraska-02) was informed recently that he was among 11 people, including Republican Representative Zach Nunn (Iowa-03), who had legal protected information released.

Olivia Beavers, a Politico reporter, has identified two additional of the eleven, Sam Peters from Nevada and Kevin Dellicker from Pennsylvania.

Rep. Bacon then asked, “Who at the DCCC knew that this was happening?” And, “Who approved identity theft to access these personal records?” Non appears to be speaking, and that includes everyone at Due Diligence. Politico reports that the company has not responded to any questions. Due Diligence appears to have locked its Twitter account and Andrew Payton, the employee who was able to access the records, has had his information removed from the company’s website.

The remaining candidates are still to be identified.

As it is highly suspected that the Democrat Party paid 3rd-party businesses to carry out crimes against GOP threats, there are many questions for which the party must answer. Streiff stated that although there is no evidence that any information collected was used in the campaigns, it doesn’t matter if it was. The DCCC seems not to think the laws apply to them. If the GOP is honest, they will be reminded of how wrong they are.