Jonathan Turley Says Dems May Be Ensuring Destruction With Latest Moves by Jan. 6 Committee


Democrats know they will lose the midterm elections and are looking for ways to change the course of events. This could include maximizing leftist reactions regarding the abortion case leak from SCOTUS or demonizing Republicans about gun control. But, this does not change the fact that Republicans are on track to win the November election.

They’ve not left anything except the plan they’ve been planning for quite some time. They’ve been asking people to testify, and giving up their private communications in the hope they will find something on their desperate fishing expedition.

They subpoenaed Mark Meadows, and other former colleagues, and also held people in contempt. The indictment was filed against those who did not follow the political farce. This was done to cause maximum embarrassment to Democratic PR.

This combined with a failure to hold Democrats responsible for their evil actions is making the country very difficult. Democrats still hope new disclosures will be made to benefit their cause.

This is a change from the DOJ’s previous approach to such matters. Jonathan Turley is a George Washington University professor of law and pointed out that although Eric Holder was flagrantly disobedient, they were not pursuing contempt charges against him. Navarro, however, was just charged with contempt in April. They are now moving fast, though they may not have a case until November.


Michael Abramson, a lawyer, and host of “Advancing The Agenda” podcast is also an insider at Newsmax. He stated that all congressional referrals must be handled by the DOJ.

He stated, “If it’s a Bush DOJ, you want them to act in the same manner as a Biden DOJ so that the principles of law are consistently applied.

Juscelino Colares, a Case Western Reserve University political science and law professor, said that it appears like there is a two-tier justice system. When Democrats control the House of Representatives, the FBI indicts Republicans against it. But not when Republicans control it.

He said, “We can’t be a country that has laws and at the same time a nation with laws only applied against one group of people.” “This is not conducive to building trust in our institutions. ”

Turley argues that Democrats can be destroyed by their actions.

The committee subpoenaed GOP members including Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Leader, and threatened to treat them with contempt just like Navarro and other ex-Trump officials.

Despite political differences over the years, both sides have avoided subpoenas to each other. They have established a precedent for subpoenas to be issued internally months before Republicans could win the same license.

The House is already dysfunctional and does not allow for compromise or dialogue between parties. Targeting other members will remove one of the few restrictions on political rage.

Republicans must win to restore the country’s standing after the devastation done by the Democrats.