Majority of People Know There Are Only Two Genders


It’s all around. It is promoted in Hollywood, literature, and public schools. Unfortunately, even medical journals are giving in to the mob.

Even J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter author, is being accused of “hate speech” because she believes there are only two genders. She is currently receiving death threats.

It’s easy to believe that gender is a social construct.

You’re not the only one. It’s far from the truth. You are part of the overwhelming majority.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey found that 75% of American Adults believe there are only two genders. This includes 63% of those who strongly agree. Eighteen percent (18%) disagree.”

J.K. Rowling is supported by 58% of those who support her views on gender. Only 17% disagree that she is a “purveyor for hate speech.”

Americans are also opposed to schools and teachers counseling students about sexual/gender identity without parental consent or knowledge by a three-to-1 margin.

This is a lesson. Do not give in to the demands of the mob. Be strong for your sanity! Do not be intimidated into submission by the pro-transgender movement. Despite its visibility, the vast majority of people aren’t buying it. they’re pushing.