New Poll Reveals 94% Of Americans Are Concerned With Inflation, Majority Believe Republicans Can Fix It

If Democrats were holding any hope that the midterms wouldn’t be too bad, then their optimism is going to take something of a hit with this latest poll from the Washington Post/ABC. This poll shows how President Joe Biden's administration is doing on various issues. It does not contain any good news. One thing that is particularly concerning is the...

Disinformation Governance Board Executive Director Jankowicz, Call Me the Mary Poppins of Disinformation

We previously revealed that Nina Jankowicz was the chief of America’s new Thought Police. She falsely claimed that Republicans had funded the Steele Dossier which was an important part of the Russian Collusion hoax. And she also insisted that Hunter Biden's computer was a Trump campaign product. She also brings a certain enthusiasm to her Disinformation Governance Board job,...

MSNBC, Other Liberal Outlets Repeatedly Paint Opponents, Conservatives as ‘Fascists’ to Viewers

Hillary Clinton was seen on MSNBC Wednesday during the funeral of Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State. She warned that fascism could overtake the country if "dictators, demagogues" are not stopped. " Albright was promoting "Fascism", in her 2018 book. The Warning" was broadcast on MSNBC in 2018. Mika Brzezinski, an interviewer noted that the timing for the book was...

McCarthy Aligned Super PAC Plans $125M Ad Buy to Win the House

The House Republicans' super PAC is currently booking $125,000,000 in TV advertising reservations in approximately 50 media markets across the country. This large down payment for their bid to win the majority. This round is for TV and digital bookings at Congressional Leadership Fund. The initial purchase is greater than what the super PAC spent on these ads during the...

Elon Musk’s Twitter Buyout Deal is Very Fragile and Could Unravel

There have been few events that in recent history have provoked so much lamentation and handwringing from the left than the possibility that Elon Musk may own Twitter. However, have their tears really been for nothing? Musk's deal to purchase the social media giant is fragile. It could fall apart just as quickly as it was made. The market is one...

Republicans Secure Total Victory in Redistricting for 2022 Mid-Terms

Republicans have won the redistricting battles, which promise to play a significant role in November's midterms. This is a significant turnaround in the last few months. You'll see lots of happy liberals celebrating their complete dominance over Republicans when it comes to redistricting. They celebrated the GOP maps being struck down and praised the gerrymanders in New York and Illinois....

Chicago Gangs Enjoy the Beautiful Weekend Spring Weather by Killing Each Other

The Windy City is experiencing warmer weather, which means that winter will soon be a distant memory. Residents who were trapped inside due to the bitter cold and icy winds have opened their windows to allow the fresh spring air to circulate through their cramped apartments. Although there are fewer children playing in the parks today than they were half...

As Elon Musk’s Purchase of Twitter Gets Closer, Leftists Melt Down

Twitter is seeing things get a lot brighter, but the roaches aren't happy. We reported previously that SpaceX/Tesla CEO Elon Musk is nearing the purchase of Twitter. Two people with insider information told the New York Times Musk and the board were in negotiations to make their bid on Monday. The Times article. It was quickly followed by articles on Bloomberg,...

Kristi Noem Gives a Dose of Perspective to CNN Producer Whining About CNN+ Job Losses

There's been plenty of schadefreudeliciousness regarding the quick and merciless death of CNN+, the vaunted streaming service that CNN launched less than a month ago. CNN launched its highly anticipated streaming service on March 29, too much fanfare, if you missed it. CNN+ was created to offer exclusive content and Chris Wallace, who had been lured away by Fox News. There...

Democrat Claim the January 6th Investigation Revelations Blows the Roof off the House

Democrats make louder noises about January 6th, declaring that the House of Representatives would be "blown off its roof by coming revelations". Jamie Raskin, a member of the January 6th Committee, claimed that "Donald Trump conspired with white nationalists, fascist groups, and others, while he was speaking at Georgetown University. " This information comes from NBC News. They reported Raskin’s comments. Raskin...